
“...If they want to talk about a really democratic world, let them renounce their system, let their plundering stop, let the exploitation of man by man cease and the exploitation of poor countries by the rich ones, and let human beings be brothers and sisters and not wild animals devouring one another or fighting for bread crumbs.”
References to the original: Speech delivered in the closing session of the Third International Conference on Special Education at the ‘Karl Marx’ theatre, June 20, 1998
“The world moves forward and the World becomes globalized, we have already said that.  I hope that the day shall come when all of humanity will be one single family and all the wealth, all the sciences, all the Technologies and all the resources will be for the benefit of all…”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the ceremony for the 40th anniversary of the enactment of the First Law of Agrarian Reform in Havana, May 17, 1999

"I believe that, rather than weapons the peoples need ideas. They need a change from an inhumane, unsustainable global world that threatens life on the planet, to a just and humanitarian social order that offers humanity an opportunity to survive. The peoples need a world with a bit of drinking water and air to breathe where the necessary food is available and advanced technology can be used to produce housing, schools to educate the children, medicines to preserve human health and medical care indispensable to all, children, adolescents and the elderly".

References to the original: Speech given by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, upon receiving the José Bonifacio Medal, Grand Official grade, at the Rio de

"Prevailing conditions in the world today make this infamous order we are enduring unsustainable. That is why we believe that the most important task is sowing ideas, building awareness so that when that world collapses humankind will be in a better position to rise on its ruins a better world, a more humane globalization".


"Under neoliberalism the world economy has not been growing faster in real terms; however, there is more instability, speculation, external debt and unequal exchange. Likewise, there is a greater tendency to financial crises occurring more often while poverty, inequality and the gap between the wealthy North and the dispossessed South continues to widen".

References to the original: Address at the Opening Session of the Group of 77 South Summit Conference, April 12, 2000

“A worn-out and obsolete world order will not be capable of saving humanity and creating the natural conditions indispensable for a dignified and decent life on the planet. Real equality of opportunity and genuine justice for all human beings of every nation, ethnic group, culture and religion cannot continue to be put off in any corner of the world. This is not an ideological matter; it has become a matter of life and death for the human species.”

References to the original: Speech presented at the public forum held in San José de las Lajas, Havana Province, on January 27, 2001

“A worn-out and obsolete world order will not be capable of saving humanity and creating the natural conditions indispensable for a dignified and decent life on the planet.This is not an ideological matter; it has become a matter of life and death for the human species”.

References to the original: Speech given at the Open Tribune of the Revolution held in San José de las Lajas. January 27, 2001