
“Revolution has awoken the moral feeling of the people; Revolution has awoken human solidarity in men and women of our people; Revolution has abolished selfishness and has made of generosity the main virtue of every citizen; Revolution has gathered the best of the nation; Revolution purified and cleaned up; Revolution has redeemed”.

References to the original: Speech delivered during the political ceremony for the 9th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution held in Revolution Square. Ciudad de La Habana. January 2, 1961

"The point is that it is not only the warrior what we admire in Che or the man capable of great feats. And what he did, and what he was doing, that fact in itself of facing with only a handful of men an entire oligarchic army, instructed by the Yankee advisers supplied by Yankee imperialism, supported by the oligarchies of all neighboring countries, that fact in itself constitutes an extraordinary feat".

References to the original: Discurso pronunciado en la velada solemne en memoria del Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, en la Plaza de la Revolución, 18 de octubre de 1967
“[…] whenever a man must face a challenge it is a test to him: a test of his character, a test of his will, a test of his courage as a revolutionary and as a man. And the concept of man implies the willingness to face tests and challenges.”
References to the original: Speech to soldiers and officers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces who will be working in the 10-million sugar harvest.
“Our people know very well how different the conduct of the fighters has always been throughout the history of the Revolution because, above all things, the principles of the Revolution, the moral of the Revolution, the discipline of the Revolution and the dignity of the Revolution have prevailed.”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the Central Ceremony for the 20th Anniversary of the September 5 Revolutionary Uprising, on September 5, 1977.

"A revolution can only be born from culture and ideas".

References to the original: Master lecture delivered at the main lecture hall in the Central University of Venezuela

"No people become revolutionary by force. Those who sow ideas have no need to suppress the people ever. Weapons in the hands of that same people are used to fight those abroad who try to take away their achievements".

References to the original: Master lecture delivered at the main lecture hall in the Central University of Venezuela

“That is why Cuba, with a high moral spirit and an extraordinary confidence in its people, in their capacity for hospitality, their organizational skills, their scientific and human resources, their customary spirit of hospitality and their wonderful tradition of respect for visiting athletes would be able to organize an Olympic Games with the highest quality and efficiency.”.

References to the original: Discurso pronunciado por el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz durante el encuentro con representantes de la delegación deportiva que asistió a los Juegos Panamericanos de Winnipeg, el 13 de agosto de 1999