
“Imperialism is the one that needs weapons, since it is bereft of ideas.  In order to maintain this opprobrious system as well as all those situations that have been described here, it needs weapons; it has to maintain all those situations by resorting to the use of force.  But if there are ideas, if ideas in fact exist, we can defend those ideas; we can make those ideas to succeed.  Ideas do not require weapons as long as they are able to conquer the big masses.  Nobody should think that the contradiction between Socialism and Capitalism could be solved by force; one has to be mad to think that way.  And the imperialists are the ones who think that way.  That is why they keep their military basis everywhere in the World. They threaten the whole world; they intervene anywhere.”  
References to the original: Speech delivered at the closing ceremony of the Conference on the Foreign Debt of Latin America and the Caribbean, August 3, 1985
The globalized planet Earth changes and transforms our concepts.  Only one reality remains unchanged: the Empire’s network of air, sea, land and space military bases, increasingly more powerful and at the same time more vulnerable. That is the kind of democracy W preaches to APEC.  All bearing the US brand name and patent.
References to the original: Reflection by the Commander-in-Chief titled W and APEC, 7 September 2007

“On a global level and with constant value, military expenses have doubled in the last 10 years as if there were no danger at all of any crisis.  At this moment, it is the most prosperous industry on the planet.”

References to the original: The empire and the robots, August 19, 2009

“If robots in the hands of the transnationals can replace imperial soldiers in the wars of conquest, who will stop the transnationals in their quest for a market for their artifacts? Just as they have flooded the world with automobiles that today compete with mankind for the consumption of non-renewable energy and even foods converted into fuel, so too they can flood the world with robots that would displace millions of workers from their workplaces”.

References to the original: The empire and the robots, August 19, 2009

“A country that respects itself needs no US mercenaries, troops or military bases to fight drug-trafficking, to protect the people in case of natural disasters or to provide humanitarian cooperation to other peoples.”

References to the original: IT IS THE TIME OF MOBILIZATION, OF MARCHING TOGETHER, August 27, 2009

“A country like Cuba is well aware that after the United States has established one of its military bases it only leaves if it wants to or it forcibly stays as it has done in Guantanamo, for over one hundred years”.

References to the original: The best tribute to a hero’s mother, November 3, 2009

“Drugs should not be used as a pretext to set up bases, invade countries and bring violence, war and plundering to Third World nations. This is the worst environment to sow good qualities among the people and to bring education, healthcare and development to other nations.”

References to the original: THE BOLIVARIAN REVOLUTION AND PEACE, November 18, 2009