“We want the youth to be well-educated, well-schooled, well-organized, well-trained, and well-informed. The Revolution has perhaps no more important task than this--the preparation of the new generations for a superior life, a better life, a different life”.
"(...) will be to determine consumption patterns. It is not possible to continue introducing tastes and ways of life inspired in the squandering model of the industrial societies; it would not only be impossible but suicidal."
“A worn-out and obsolete world order will not be capable of saving humanity and creating the natural conditions indispensable for a dignified and decent life on the planet. Real equality of opportunity and genuine justice for all human beings of every nation, ethnic group, culture and religion cannot continue to be put off in any corner of the world. This is not an ideological matter; it has become a matter of life and death for the human species.”
“Today, the world is facing serious and pressing problems. The entire humanity is threatened by climate change. (...) The Third World countries are rightly claiming from the richest and most developed nations hundreds of billion dollars a year to pay for the climate battle”.