
“If we are to speak about ideology, let us speak about the ideology of saving the world; not later, but as soon as possible. Let's try to save it and improve it as of now. After we have saved it, we will be able to improve it even more.”

References to the original: Master lecture delivered at the autonomous university of Santo Domingo, August 24, 1998

"If these ideas are clear, righteous and objective, then conditions are ideal in the world today for them to spread. We cannot allow ourselves to be crushed by the immense power of the mass media owned by those currently in control of the world".

References to the original: Speech given by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, upon receiving the José Bonifacio Medal, Grand Official grade, at the Rio de

"There is no weapon more powerful than a profound conviction and clear idea of what must be done. It is with these kinds of weapons, which do not require enormous sums of money, but only the capacity to create and transmit just ideas and values, that our people will be increasingly armed."

References to the original: Speech by the President of the Republic of Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz, at the ceremony commemorating the 45th anniversary of the landing of the Granma expedition and the birth of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, in Antonio Maceo Square, Santiago de Cuba, Decem

"El mundo será conquistado por las ideas y no por la fuerza, cuyo poder para sojuzgar y dominar a la humanidad será cada vez menor. Sólo la paz y la cooperación entre los pueblos serán capaces de preservar a la humanidad de la muerte con que la amenazan por la vía del saqueo, la explotación, las guerras y la destrucción de las condiciones de vida del planeta."

References to the original: Speech by Fidel Castro Ruz, at the ceremony commemorating the 45th anniversary of the landing of the Granma expedition

“A statesman, or whoever claims to be one, should know that down through history really humane ideas of justice have been shown to be much more powerful than force; force leaves in its wake only dusty, contemptible ruins; humane ideas leave a luminous trail that no one will ever be able to extinguish. Every era has had its own ideas, both good and bad ones, and they have accumulated. But the worst, most sinister and uncertain ideas belong in this era in which we live in a barbarous, uncivilized, globalized world.”

References to the original: Proclamation by an adversary of the US government, May 14, 2004

"We possess a weapon as powerful as nuclear power and it is the immense justice for which we are struggling. Our nuclear weapon is the invincible power of moral weapons.  That is why we have never even considered producing them, nor have we ever considered seeking biological weapons".

References to the original: Speech delivered at the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of his admission to University of Havana, in the Aula Magna,