"Our country will pursue its internationalist policy without hesitation and in solidarity with the revolutionary movement worldwide (APPLAUSE); our country will deepen its revolutionary ideas and carry its banners as far as it is capable of taking them. Our country will also maintain its own hallmark which is the result of its experiences and its history; and in terms of ideology, we will maintain our own approach, with absolute independence, following on our own path set by our people based on our experiences and in accordance with our tasks."
We have a long road ahead of us, we have a great task for our peoples ahead of us, in our continents, in our duties to the other peoples, and we fulfill our duty of solidarity.
"Socialism, internationalism, Marxism-Leninism tells us we must struggle together. Therefore, I believe that unity, brotherhood, solidarity, collaboration between the peoples of Angola and Cuba are an example for the world."
“Revolutionary internationalism is like a law in our struggle. We will not succeed in isolation. We can all be further strengthened either by big helps or even the most simple of popular uprisings, because both are the expression of a new humanity that strives to achieve a more just society.”
We're just as much internationalists today as before. It would be more accurate to say that we're more so because, today, defending our land, we're defending thousands of millions of people in the world. Let's say, we're defending values that belong to humanity.
“Without those years we had to educate, sow ideas, build awareness, instill feelings of solidarity and a generous internationalist spirit, our people would not have had the strength to resist.”
“Without those years we had to educate, sow ideas, build awareness, instill feelings of solidarity and a generous internationalist spirit, our people would not have had the strength to resist.”
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