
“We are not mere spectators.  This world also belongs to us.  Nobody can replace our united action, nobody will speak for us.  We alone, and only united, can we reject the unjust world political and economic order that they would like to impose on our peoples.”
References to the original: Speech at the Eleventh Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Cartagena De Indias, Colombia.

"Unity is the only real force available to the Caribbean region. Only if united we will be able to defend ourselves as a region and expand that unity to Central America, South America, Africa and the peoples of other continents".

References to the original: Speech at the special meeting of heads of State and Government of Cariforum. Santo domingo, Dominican Republic, August 21, 1998
“Unity is the only true strength the Caribbean can count on.  Only by being united can we defend ourselves at the regional level and extend that unity to Central America, South America, Africa and to the peoples of other continents. […]

The future depends on our own efforts.”
References to the original: President Fidel Castro states in his speech at the CARIFORUM Summit, August 21, 1998
“The sum total of all our cultures would be one enormous culture and a multiplication of our cultures.  Integration should not affect but enrich the culture of every one of our countries.”
References to the original: Closing speech at the I International Congress for Culture and Development, held at the Havana Convention Centre.

“We Caribbean countries face the challenge of surviving and advancing in the midst of the most profound economic, social and political crisis ever sustained by our hemisphere and the world, as neoliberal globalization threatens to destroy not only our right to development, but also our cultural diversity and national identities. It is only through integration and cooperation, not only among states but also among the various regional organizations and entities, that our peoples can find a way out of this predicament”.

References to the original: Speech marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, December 8, 2002

"Unity, dignity and rational and solidarity-based integration are the only possible means to confront the common challenges of the globalized, unequal and discriminatory world that threatens us all".

References to the original: Key Remarks by Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. Havana International Conference Center, De

“Unity, dignity and rational and solidarity-based integration are the only possible means to confront the common challenges of the globalized, unequal and discriminatory world that threatens us all.”

References to the original: Speech marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, December 8, 2002