“Such an extraordinarily beautiful revolution, like the social revolutions that brought the working class and peasants to power, and which began the road, the great and glorious road. For that reason they will always be immortal, for that reason the youth must always look towards Marx, towards Engels, towards Lenin…”
“Let us imitate the example of those who were our predecessors. Let us do what Bolívar, San Martín, Artigas, O'Higgins, Sucre, Juárez, Morazán and Martí would have done in like circumstances, so that Our America takes an honourable place in a world where we all have a right to live.”
“If our land did not have sufficient honor and glory, as it has conquered during such a long time, this honor and glory of having fought […] against that mighty empire would suffice, and the fact that our Revolution is still here and it will continue to be, upright and invincible.”