
“The philosophy and moral of imperialism is the philosophy and moral of corruption, selfishness and individualism; and such are the powerful weapons it uses for its ideological struggle against the Revolution.”

References to the original: Dialogue with university students at the Universidad de Chile, in Antofagasta, November 12, 1971

“The revolutionary are neither pessimistic, nor skeptical. Skeptical has to be the reactionary and the imperialist, because they see that everything is changing against; and the revolutionary see that everything is changing in favor.”

References to the original: Speech in the mass rally in honor to General Omar Torrijos, Head of the government of the Republic of Panama held in the 26 de Julio Educational Complex, in Santiago de Cuba, January 12, 1976
“This is highly symbolic because it shows us how crime cannot kill ideas, how crime cannot stop the victorious march of a people; how crime, no matter how monstrous, cannot kill life, and how the life of each one of us does not belong to ourselves, but it belongs to everyone.  We are all part of something that is greater than we are, and that is Homeland, the people; our lives are part of the infinite and immortal life of the Cuban nation and of our revolutionary people.” 
References to the original: Commander in Chief Fidel Castro gives the inauguration speech at the Martyrs of the Barbados School of School Sports Initiation (EIDE), October 6, 1977

“Without clear conceptions and ideas a revolution is not possible even when the subjective conditions exist. Furthermore; without a strong, firm, resolved and clever fight; to which a huge dose of audacity should be added, a revolution is not possible.”

References to the original: Speech at the plenary held in the Karl Marx Theatre on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution, January 1, 1979
“Imperialism is the one that needs weapons, since it is bereft of ideas.  In order to maintain this opprobrious system as well as all those situations that have been described here, it needs weapons; it has to maintain all those situations by resorting to the use of force.  But if there are ideas, if ideas in fact exist, we can defend those ideas; we can make those ideas to succeed.  Ideas do not require weapons as long as they are able to conquer the big masses.  Nobody should think that the contradiction between Socialism and Capitalism could be solved by force; one has to be mad to think that way.  And the imperialists are the ones who think that way.  That is why they keep their military basis everywhere in the World. They threaten the whole world; they intervene anywhere.”  
References to the original: Speech delivered at the closing ceremony of the Conference on the Foreign Debt of Latin America and the Caribbean, August 3, 1985
“...If they want to talk about a really democratic world, let them renounce their system, let their plundering stop, let the exploitation of man by man cease and the exploitation of poor countries by the rich ones, and let human beings be brothers and sisters and not wild animals devouring one another or fighting for bread crumbs.”
References to the original: Speech delivered in the closing session of the Third International Conference on Special Education at the ‘Karl Marx’ theatre, June 20, 1998

"Given the struggle of ideas at a world level, oftentimes there is no access to the mass media controlled by the big transnationals, or there is no access to the large television or information chains. But there is always a way to make the message reach the world, there is always a possibility, and the more communications develop, the more this will be possible".

References to the original: SPEECH AT THE CLOSING OF THE INTERNATIONAL MEETING ECONOMIA’98. International Conference Center, 3 DE JULIO DE 1998