
“Independence is not a flag, or an anthem, or a coat of arms; independence is not a question of symbols, but independence depends on development, independence depends on technology, it depends on science in the world today.  How can we achieve that without education?”

References to the original: Speech given at the closing ceremony of "Pedagogy 90" at the Karl Marx Theatre, February 9, 1990
“Capitalism has been incapable of creating a rational society; it has created a society full of contradictions and absurdities, full of paradoxes; it has created a society that wastes everything, the natural resources, but especially the human resources; a society that alienates everything.”
References to the original: Speech at the closing ceremony of the Pedagogy ’93 Congress. February 5, 1993

“We should proclaim with all of our energies that we have the right to breath pure air, to drink uncontaminated water, to feed ourselves with healthy food….we have the right to be educated, to receive medical assistance, to be less poor when others are ever richer.”

References to the original: Speech delivered at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) held in Istanbul, Turkey, June 14, 1996

“The country did all it could and is doing all it can in matters of education. And it has been able to maintain what we have despite the worsening of the blockade”.

References to the original: Speech at the Closing of the Second Special Education World Meeting, 20 june 1998

“Some day history will have to analyze why this people has been able to resist, a people which has a higher educational level than any other Third World country, with an educational level even higher than many developed countries (…)”

References to the original: Speech at the Closing of the Second Special Education World Meeting, 20 june 1998

“It is neither a dream nor something impossible that all those fabulous resources that could serve to educate, train and improve mankind, can one day be used for these humane purposes.”

References to the original: Master lecture delivered at the autonomous university of Santo Domingo, August 24, 1998

"The world needs a certain leadership to confront its current realities.  We are already six billion people on Earth.  It is almost certain that in only five more decades we will be 9.5 billion.  It will be an enormous challenge to provide food, health care, education, employment, clothing, footwear, housing, drinking water, electric energy and transportation to such a great number of people who will live in precisely the poorest countries."

References to the original: Speech given on the 40th Anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, held at Cespedes Park in Santiago de Cuba on January 1st,1999