"A small group of wealthy nations enjoys and advertises irrational and unsustainable consumer patterns while the overwhelming majority of the population, growing exponen-tially in the Third World, is enduring an increasingly humiliating and appalling poverty".
"(...) asking for, and should definitely fight for, is for the inevitable globalization taking place today according to the laws of history to be the globalization of fraternity and cooperation among all peoples, of sustainable development and a fair distribution and rational use of the abundant material and spiritual riches that man can create with his hands and mind, as an indispensable premise for the inescapably common homeland of a humanity that can, and should, endure".
"In anguish, uncertainty and doubt some are looking for eclectic alternatives. However, the world has no other alternative to the morally and socially indefensible, ecologically and economically unsustainable and inhuman neo-liberal globalization but to establish a fair distribution of the wealth that human beings can create with their industrious hands and fruitful intelligence."