
"The rumble of weapons, menacing language, marking arrogance on the international scene, must cease. Enough already with the dream that the world’s problems can be resolved with nuclear weapons. Bombs may kill the starving, the ill and the ignorant, but they cannot kill hunger, disease or ignorance.”
References to the original: Speech at the XXXIV Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
“We insist here that to us peace is fundamental and peace is closely linked to development. It is impossible to conceive development without peace and disarmament; and to think of peace without development would not be realistic.”
References to the original: Remarks at the International Meeting of Parties and Movements on the 70th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, November 5, 1987
“Let’s plant ideas, and there will be no need for all the weapons created by this barbaric civilization; let’s plant ideas, and the irreparable destruction of our natural habitat will be prevented.”
References to the original: Message to the Eleventh United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, June 13, 2004

"Condoleezza Rice herself would have to answer some questions: How many Americans have been killed by bombs sent by Cuba?  Has even one single brick ever been broken because of an explosive device coming from our country?  Why are we being included in the grotesque list of terrorist countries, the same one on which Venezuela’s inclusion is being arbitrarily threatened? Who used terrorism against our homeland to blow up planes in mid-air, commit acts of sabotage, and launch mercenary invasions and threats of bombings and wars, economic blockade and actions that have cost thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars?  Who is going to believe you or Bush?  Why are you insisting on provoking fratricidal wars between the peoples of Latin America? In Iraq, more than a million people have died.  How many deaths does the United States of America offer Latin America, a region with over 500 million inhabitants, to defend its democracy and its empire?".

References to the original: Reflections: "Thirst for blood" (II), March 16, 2008