
“The peoples think that the only thing incompatible with the destiny of Latin America is misery, feudal exploitation, illiteracy, starvation wages, unemployment, the policy of repression against the masses of workers, peasants and students, discrimination against women, blacks, indigenous people and mestizos, the oppression of the oligarchies, the plundering of their wealth by the US monopolies, the moral suffocation of their intellectuals and artists, the ruin of their small producers by foreign competition, the economic underdevelopment, the peoples without roads, without hospitals, without housing, without schools, without industries, the submission to imperialism, the renunciation of national sovereignty and the betrayal of the homeland”.

References to the original: Remarks at the Second National Assembly of the People of Cuba held at the Revolution Square, February 4, 1962

“[…] the human being, the human society are faced with the crucial necessity to advance at the same pace of the technological and scientific knowledge; the human society feels that vital necessity.”

References to the original: Speech made at a mass rally in the Latin American Stadium in support of the battle for the completion of grammar school education, November 20, 1964
“[…] It is a known fact that our country, however small, has had to keep an extraordinarily large contingent of men under arm. This is unquestionably higher than any other country’s relative figures. But, in this case, the size of our army responded to the magnitude of our task; to the magnitude of the sacred task of defending our Homeland, defending our Revolution and defending it from a powerful and aggressive enemy. Nevertheless, the men that make up our army have not been away from production, […]”  
References to the original: October 30, 1967. - Speech made Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the opening of the activities of the Brigada Invasora de Maquinarias Ernesto Che Guevara.

"The developing countries, and the Non-Aligned Movement on their behalf, demand that an important part of the immense resources being squandered today on the arms race should be devoted to development; at the same time this would contribute to pushing back the dangers of war and it would facilitate improving the international situation".

“the sum total of intelligence and creative capacity of all can make great miracles, those miracles that can be made by man with his efforts, his courage, his tenacity, his noble sentiments and his solidarity.”
References to the original: Speech at the Graduation Ceremony at the Higher Pedagogical Institute and of the first graduates in Primary Education Degree, July 4, 1985
“We insist here that to us peace is fundamental and peace is closely linked to development. It is impossible to conceive development without peace and disarmament; and to think of peace without development would not be realistic.”
References to the original: Remarks at the International Meeting of Parties and Movements on the 70th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, November 5, 1987
“It is worthwhile indicating that the main responsibility for the brutal destruction of the environment lies with the consumer societies. They are the offspring of the old colonial metropolises and of imperialist policies that also begot the poverty and backwardness which are today the scourge of the overwhelming majority of humanity.”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 12, 1992