
"The Revolution is the work of everyone, the Revolution is the sacrifice of everyone, the revolution is the ideal of everyone and the revolution shall be the fruit of everyone."
References to the original: Speech given in Güines, March 29, 1959

“We need to awaken the faith of the peoples, and the faith of the peoples is not awakened with promises, the faith of the peoples is not awakened with theories, the faith of the peoples is not awakened with rhetoric; the faith of the peoples is awakened with facts, the faith of the peoples is awakened with realities, the faith of the peoples is awakened with true solutions."

References to the original: Speech made to the Economic Council of the Twelve, in Argentina, May 2, 1959

“We should proclaim with all of our energies that we have the right to breath pure air, to drink uncontaminated water, to feed ourselves with healthy food….we have the right to be educated, to receive medical assistance, to be less poor when others are ever richer.”

References to the original: Speech delivered at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) held in Istanbul, Turkey, June 14, 1996
“...If they want to talk about a really democratic world, let them renounce their system, let their plundering stop, let the exploitation of man by man cease and the exploitation of poor countries by the rich ones, and let human beings be brothers and sisters and not wild animals devouring one another or fighting for bread crumbs.”
References to the original: Speech delivered in the closing session of the Third International Conference on Special Education at the ‘Karl Marx’ theatre, June 20, 1998
“The world moves forward and the World becomes globalized, we have already said that.  I hope that the day shall come when all of humanity will be one single family and all the wealth, all the sciences, all the Technologies and all the resources will be for the benefit of all…”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the ceremony for the 40th anniversary of the enactment of the First Law of Agrarian Reform in Havana, May 17, 1999

I believe in the unity of all the countries in the world, in the unity of all the peoples in the world and in a free unity, a truly free unity. I am not thinking of a fusion but of a free unity of all cultures in a truly just world, in a truly democratic world.

References to the original: In the closing ceremony of the first International Congress on Culture and Development, June 11, 1999
"We will never renounce the principles we made ours in the struggle to bring all justice to our homeland by putting an end to the exploitation of man by man, inspired by the history of mankind and by the enlightened theoreticians and promoters of a socialist system of production and distribution of wealth, the only system capable of creating a truly fair and human society Marx, Engels, and later, Lenin."
References to the original: Speech given at the Public Forum of the Revolution at the Eduardo Saborit Stadium in the municipality of Playa, March 31, 2001