
“As Latin Americans, we should try to cooperate with Colombia, with the country itself, to help it achieve a fair peace, one that would benefit everybody”.

References to the original: Speech given in the closing ceremony of the first International Congress on Culture and Development. International Convention Center, June 11, 1999

“There shouldn’t be any wars. We should make efforts to find peaceful solutions everywhere, in Colombia too. There shouldn’t be any wars, because at this time in the history of the Americas, no problem can be solved through wars”.

References to the original: Interview given to El Clarin journal. Buenos Aires, Argentine, May 26, 2003

"Colombia’s problem can only be solved through peace, and in peace; everyone should cooperate. True peace, because quite a few "peaces" there have ended up in the cemetery."

References to the original: Interview given to El Clarin journal. Buenos Aires, Argentine, May 26, 2003