
"The singing of the anthem on that October 20 came at the same time as the feat of arms with which the Revolution achieved its first and most important victory over Spanish colonial troops. Bayamo’s surrender and Céspedes’ victorious entry marked the culmination of the act of rebellion begun on October 10 in La Demajagua sugar plantation which marked an turning point in the country’s history and gave birth, over the rubble of the first colonial redoubts, to the Cuban nation".

References to the original: Speech given at the graduation ceremony of the Schools for Art Instructors in "Ernesto Che Guevara" Square, October 20, 2004

“The National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists and the Saíz Brothers Association will keep in close contact with these young cultural workers through the booming movement, which will come into being as thousands of art instructors join every year.”.

References to the original: "Speech given at the graduation ceremony of the Schools for Art Instructors in "Ernesto Che Guevara" Square" , October 20, 2004

“Throughout the Battle of Ideas we have made an old dream come true: the universalization of higher education, thus making universities accessible to all the young people who graduate from the Revolution’s programs and to workers in general”.

References to the original: Speech given by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the closing session of the Young Comm, 5 December 2004

“Throughout its lifetime, the Revolution has taught the people, training hundreds of thousands of teachers, doctors, scientists, intellectuals, artists, computer engineers and other professionals with university and post-graduate degrees in dozens of professions.  This storehouse of wealth has allowed us to reduce infant mortality to low levels, unthinkable in any Third World country, and to raise life expectancy as well as the average educational level of the population up to the ninth grade.”

References to the original: They will never have Cuba, June 17, 2007
“Man’s consciousness does not determine the objective conditions. It is the other way around. Only after grasping this can we speak of revolution.  Beautiful words, needed to convey ideas, do not suffice; profound reflection is needed.”
References to the original: Letter from Fidel to the Seventh UNEAC Congress, April 1, 2008

"Venezuela has the potential to become a model of socialist development with the resources formerly extracted by the multinationals from its rich nature and the efforts of it manual and intellectual workers. No foreign power shall determine its future. The people are the masters of their destiny and they march on to attain the highest levels of education, culture, health and full employment."

References to the original: ABSOLUTE TRANSPARENCY, November 24, 2008
Many citizens in the richest nation of the world do not receive the same treatment, and a considerable number of them do not even vote.  However, that right is exercised quite often by more than 90 per cent of our population, which knows how to read and write and has acquired a not inconsiderable culture and political knowledge.
References to the original: The Seven Members OF Congress Who are Visiting Us, April 6, 2009