
“While violence and war spread and reign in the world, Cuba and its people will rise up as defenders and symbols of the most human and genuine principles that must and can reign on this Earth.”
References to the original: Speech made at the opening ceremony of the Second Olympics of Cuban Sports at the Ciudad Deportiva, April 18, 2004.

"Today, Cuba has the most cultured and politically aware population of all the countries in the world. Our people are not fanatics, our people defend ideas. This is not a country of illiterate or semi-illiterate people; it is a country where higher education is being made accessible to the whole population and where courage and patriotism are becoming common traits. Experience and knowledge go hand in hand with its dreams of a society where justice and humanism can prevail".

References to the original: SECOND EPISTLE, June 21, 2004

"Today, we are not just a handful of men and women determined to win or die. We are millions of women and men with enough weapons and over two hundred thousand well-trained officers and chiefs who know perfectly well how to use them under conditions of modern, sophisticated warfare, and we have a huge mass of combatants who are equally well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of those who are threatening us, despite their enormous military resources and the technological superiority of their weapons."

References to the original: SECOND EPISTLE, June 21, 2004

“The National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists and the Saíz Brothers Association will keep in close contact with these young cultural workers through the booming movement, which will come into being as thousands of art instructors join every year.”.

References to the original: "Speech given at the graduation ceremony of the Schools for Art Instructors in "Ernesto Che Guevara" Square" , October 20, 2004

“Throughout the Battle of Ideas we have made an old dream come true: the universalization of higher education, thus making universities accessible to all the young people who graduate from the Revolution’s programs and to workers in general”.

References to the original: Speech given by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the closing session of the Young Comm, 5 December 2004

“We must ensure that the teachers working in our classrooms today stay working there, we must add to their reserves, jealously guard the young human resources we have trained over the last few years, paying special attention to their professionalism and up-grading. We must continue to analyze the inescapable changes that our technical professional and senior high school education must undergo; we must improve the way higher education is made accessible to all and we must make sure that all of the country’s universities move forward from this idea towards the academic and revolutionary excellence that the country demands from its university students and professors”.

References to the original: Speech given at the closing session of the Young Communists League 8th Congress,held in the Havana Convention Center, 5 December 2004

“Sometimes the ignorance in some far-off corner of the country is such that people don’t know that there is a social security service or that it is possible to receive the care needed; but, in fact, there is a team that finds these people, weighs them, measures their frame to check that they are of the right weight and size for their age group: these are the social workers.”.

References to the original: Speech given on the occasion of the sixth grade graduation ceremony of Primary Schools in Cárdenas, Matanzas, on 21 July 2005