
"[...…]let the poor countries receive some financing to produce ethanol from corn or any other foodstuff and very soon not a single tree will be left standing to protect humanity from climate change.."
References to the original: More than Three Billion People in the World are being Condemned to a Premature Death from Hunger and Thirst, March 28, 2007
“Insatiable in its demand, the empire had flung into the world the slogan of producing biofuels in order to liberate the United States, the world’s supreme energy consumer, from all external dependency on hydrocarbons.”
References to the original: IT IS IMPERATIVE TO IMMEDIATELY HAVE AN ENERGY REVOLUTION , April 30, 2007
“To give humanity a respite and an opportunity to science and to the dubious good sense of the decision-makers, it is not necessary to take food away from two-thirds of the inhabitants of the planet.”
References to the original: NOBODY WANTS TO GRAB THE BULL BY THE HORNS, May 22, 2007

" It is a real fact that Bush and his group are much more trapped in their foreign policy errors than even Nixon when he resigned in 1972.  The bloody Iraqi War and its rejection by the U.S. people, the toll in human lives, the extremely high number of wounded and maimed for every death in the military adventure, all reveal a situation full of contradictions:  the deteriorated image of the United States and the impossibility of giving up the wars of conquest for raw materials, the dollar and the price of gold, currency devaluations and inflation, consumerism and the inability to supply themselves with consumer goods, production of ethanol and the world shortage of food, fascist methods and democratic demagoguery, torture practices  and secret prisons and human rights, maximum environmental pollution of the country and the species’ right to survival, the benefits of science for health and the use of the same to massively liquidate or invalidate human beings, the brain drain and underdevelopment of poor countries, the price of oil and the ever-greater wasting of energy, the November elections and growing numbers of Latinos dying on the border. The list would be endless.  It is, in essence, a contradiction between life and death".

References to the original: REFLECTIONS "THIRST FOR BLOOD" (II), March 16, 2008
"If the millions of tons of soy and corn being invested into bio-fuels are routed towards the production of foods, the unusual rise in prices would cease and the world`s scientists would be able to propose formulae that might in some way or other halt and even reverse the situation.  We have lost too much time.  The time has come to do something now."
References to the original: THE TIME HAS COME TO DO SOMETHING , January 19, 201.
"The first matter to be resolved by the world community would be to choose between foods and bio-fuels.  Brazil, a developing country, shall of course have to be compensated.
If the millions of tons of soy and corn being invested into bio-fuels are routed towards the production of foods, the unusual rise in prices would cease and the world`s scientists would be able to propose formulae that might in some way or other halt and even reverse the situation.
We have lost too much time.  The time has come to do something now."
References to the original: THE TIME HAS COME TO DO SOMETHING , January 19, 201.