
Which will be their basic weapons? Ideas will be, and consciousness. Who will sow them, cultivate them and make them invincible? You will. Is it a utopia, just one more dream among so many others? No, because it is objectively inevitable and there is no alternative to it. It has been dreamed of before, only perhaps too early. As the most visionary of the sons of this island, Jose Marti, said: "Today’s dreams will be tomorrow’s realities".

References to the original: Remarks at the closing session of the international economists conference, january 22, 1999

“(…) is not the time to be thinking about our own nations; we must think in terms of the Latin American and Caribbean nation which is also represented here by OCLAE”.

References to the original: Speech to representatives of Brazil’s National Students Union. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. July 1,1999

"There are enough funds to save the world from the tragedy. May the arms race and the weapon commerce that only bring devastation and death truly end".

References to the original: Key at the World Conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Durban, South Africa. September 1, 2001

May the arms race and the weapon commerce that only bring devastation and death truly end. Let it be used for development a good part of the one trillion US dollars annually spent on the commercial advertising that creates false illusions and inaccessible consumer habits while releasing the venom that destroys the national cultures and identities.

References to the original: Speech at the World Conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, September 1, 2001

"(…) the general effort of the international community must be to put an end to a number of conflicts affecting the world, at least in this area; there should be an end to world terrorism".

References to the original: Speech the day of the tragic events that occurred in the United States, September 11, 2001

"(…) none of the world’s problems, not even terrorism, can be solved with the use of force, and every act of force, every imprudent action that entails the use of force anywhere, is going to seriously aggravate the world problems".

References to the original: Speech the day of the tragic events that occurred in the United States, September 11, 2001

"(…) by killing people here and there, using similar methods to theirs and sacrificing innocent lives. It can only be won, among other ways, by putting an end to State terrorism and other repulsive forms of killing, by putting an end to genocide, and by seriously pursuing a policy of peace and respect for moral and legal standards. The world cannot be saved unless a path of international peace and cooperation is pursued".

References to the original: Speech the day of the tragic events that occurred in the United States, September 11, 2001