Soldado de las Ideas
Side by side with the Pioneers at the Ismaelillo Pioneer Encampment in Cienfuegos.
Durante una parata militare
Attending the funeral of the victims of the explosion of "La Coubre" steamship in the Colon Cemetery in Havana where, in a vibrant speech, he denounced the role of the U.S. government. It is the first time he utters the slogan "Patria o Muerte."
Fidel delivers the keynote address at the ceremony commemorating the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Victory at Giron held at the Karl Marx Theatre.
Bildunterschrift: Offene Tribüne der Revolution in der Sportanlage „Eduardo Saborit“
Reception by Agosthino Neto at Belas Airport
Meeting with the Colombian writer and journalist Gabriel García Márquez