General Gallery


I Ibero-American Summit

Leaders attending the I Ibero-American Summit, among them the Cuban leader  Fidel Castro Ruz,  waving from the balcony of the Palacio de Gobierno in Mexico during the popular festival, Guadalajara, Mexico.

The Ten Million Sugarcane Harvest

Fragment of the speech given by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz at the ceremony taking place in the Chaplin Theatre to initiate the massive stage of the ten million ton sugarcane harvest.

Visiting the writer Augusto Roa Bastos 05

Visiting the writer Augusto Roa Bastos, 1989 Cervantes Literary Prize ", in his apartment in Asunción (Paraguay) and inviting him to visit the Island.  The famous Paraguayan writer-novelist accompanied him on his return trip to Cuba to present the Cuban edition of his books Hijo de hombre (Son of Man) and  Yo, el Supremo (I, the Supreme) at the Casa de las Américas.

Interview with Gianni Mina 02

Interview granted by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz to the Italian journalist Gianni Mina, which was later published under the title “An Encounter with Fidel.”

Second Declaration of Havana

On the 4th of Febreruary 1962, in answer to the expulsion of Cuba from the OAS, Fidel proclaims the Second Declaration of Havana in what is now the Plaza de la Revolucion. Three days later, on the 7th of February, the United States imposes upon Cuba a commercial, economic and financial blockade that is now into its 47th year.
