Soldado de las Ideas
At the ceremony for Women’s Day, held at the Havana Convention Centre.
Eladio Rivadulla designs and prints the first poster on the Cuban Revolution as a silkscreen, by himself and on his own initiative, early in the morning of January 1959, using the image of Fidel Castro the Guerrilla.
Fidel gazes out at the people applauding him.
Poster commemorating the IX Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution.
Allegorical poster for the 26th of July Revolutionary Movement and its principal figure, Fidel Castro. The Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC), Havana.
Poster in tribute to the heroes fallen during the Attack on the Moncada Barracks.
Cover of Bohemia magazine, First Freedom Edition.
Passages in an emotional encounter between our Commander in Chief and 10 young Venezuelan lawyers. Dressed in casual blue jacket and white shirt, Fidel spoke for three hours with the new graduates from the Law School of the Carabobo University who had named their ceremony “II Graduación Dr. Fidel Castro”.
"(...) here we state that there will never be peace with the empire without full sovreignty and independence of our homeland; there will never be peace with the empire without the full validity of the Revolution and socialism; we shall never submit to any hegemony, and we shall never accept the unipolar dominion of the Yankee empire; we do not care about those who will give up the flag on the way, who will give up the march; we shall never care about those who will adhere to the gold and the power of the empire. We belong to your lineage, Antonio Maceo, to your blood-line, to you
Visiting the writer Augusto Roa Bastos, 1989 Cervantes Literary Prize ", in his apartment in Asunción (Paraguay) and inviting him to visit the Island. The famous Paraguayan writer-novelist accompanied him on his return trip to Cuba to present the Cuban edition of his books Hijo de hombre (Son of Man) and Yo, el Supremo (I, the Supreme) at the Casa de las Américas.