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Fidel stands at the back right next to Cristobal Boris and Ramón Castro. Raul Castro stands in the front. La Salle School in Santiago de Cuba.
With childhood friends. Fidel is second to the right holding a lollipop in his mouth.
Fidel, aged seven, with his sister Angelita when they studied in Santiago. Angelita dedicated the picture to her grandparents and her aunt. It was taken in the Photographic Studio located in No. 12 on Jose Antonio Saco Street, top floor, Santiago de Cuba.
Fidel, aged three, in his family home in Biran.
Fidel, aged three, with his siblings Angela and Ramón in Biran.
Fidel meets with President of Colombia Andrés Pastrana during the Summit of the Non Aligned Movement in Durban, South Africa.
Receiving Honorary Degree, Universidad Mayor San Marcos, Republic of Peru.
With Reverend Lucius Walker, Ellen Bernstein and Reverend Tom Smith, members of the Pastors for Peace Solidarity Group, on their recent trip to Cuba, once again defying the US blockade against Cuba.
Fidel jokes with Muhammad Ali as Teofilo Stevenson looks on.
Fidel addressed the Commemorative Session for the 50th Anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO), at the Palace of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.