General Gallery


Doña Dominga 01

Mrs Dominga, the maternal grandmother of the Castro Ruz brothers.

Lina Ruz (1945)

Lina Ruz, dressed for Fidel´s graduation, as bachelor, held in June 1945 at the Belen College.

Emmita Castro Ruz

Emma Castro Ruz. Mr Ángel Castro´s house. Biran, December 25, 1941.

Ramón Castro

Ramon Castro, the older brother of Fidel. Photography dedicated by his parents, Angel and Lina Ruz to his friends Paciano and Julia.

Mr Ángel Castro Argiz, in Biran

On the right Mr Ángel Castro Argiz, in Biran, 1941. With him, Jose Soto Vilariño, Antonia Ruz´s husband and father of Clara Ruz, Ana Rosa, Luis and Maria Antonia.

One of the Fidel´s sisters

Photography of Ángela Castro, one of the Fidel´s sisters, with a dedication: "Dear friend Julia. With all my affection I dedicate to you this portrait of my daughter Angelita, you know she love you. Lina Castro”
