Soldado de las Ideas
In the Sixth Plenary Session of the Journalists Association of Cuba (UPEC) where he was presented the Félix Elmuza Decoration, the top recognition awarded by the national presidency of the institute.
With Odalys Bravo, head of the Cuban Moto Mendez Medical Brigade, who presents him with a Recognition Diploma from the Solidarity Brigade in Bolivia. In the meeting, Fidel reads them its Message.
In Geneva during the Second Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Fidel addressed the Commemorative Session for the 50th Anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO), at the Palace of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
Fidel meets with Nelson Mandela, president of South Africa, in the official residency.
Gives speech at the rally for International Workers’ Day
During the 17th Congress of the CTC. Havana
He delivers a speech in Havana during the closing ceremony of the potato harvest, held at the "Sonrisa de la Victoria" camp. Güira de Melena, Havana.
Funeral of Blas Roca Calderío, by his side Army General Raúl Castro and Division General Ulises Rosales del Toro.
He shares the pain with the relatives during the funeral of the Cuban diplomats Adriana Corcho Callejas and Efrén Monteagudo Rodríguez, assassinated by anti-Cuban terrorists in a dynamite attack on the Cuban Embassy in Portugal.