General Gallery


8th Ibero American Summit 08

Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz on a Press Conference in the framework of the 8th Ibero American Summit held in Oporto, Portugal.

Mourning act for the victims of Barbados crime 01

Speech delivered during the rally and funeral for the victims of the sabotage to the Cubana de Aviación airplane in Barbados perpetrated by mercenary terrorists paid by the United States. The sabotage took away the lives of 73 passengers among them the Cuban fencing team which had represented its homeland with glory in a sport event in Caracas, Venezuela. Also 11 Guyanese medicine students came to Cuba with the purpose of increasing their people’s quality of life.

Meeting with Michel Chossudovsky 01

Meeting with Center of Research on Globalization Director and Senior Editor of the Global Research website. A video was recorded there with a message from Fidel against the Nuclear War

Awarded the"Federico Joliot Curie" medal 01

President of the World Peace Council Romesh Chandra reads out the resolution of that non-governmental body which approved the award of its highest distinction to the Commander in Chief

Ángel and Lina, in Birán 01

Photography of Castro Ruz marriage. In all probability, it corresponds to the difficult days when their children were immersed in the revolutionary struggle.
