Reyes Rodríguez, Dilbert

Cuban workers honor Lenin and convoke May Day mobilization

Reverence and mobilization - as tributes to great leaders of the historical struggles for social justice should always be - was Cuban workers' commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of universal proletarian leader Vladimir Ilich Lenin, in whose honor this year’s May Day mobilization was called.

Her memory lives on

Maritza relates every story about Celia as if she had lived it herself. And the beautiful wooden house is her greatest pride, made clear as she recalls the moment Fidel decided that the national museum dedicated to "the most authentic flower of the Revolution" would be established here.
"I heard that the Comandante said: Let it be in Media Luna! Ay, you can't imagine the emotion, hearing that our greatest dream, that these country girls had struggled for, would come true."

The noble profession of restoring sight

When the gratitude is infinite, fatigue can not break the will of the men and women who daily restore sight to tired eyes
At first glance, it does not seem reasonable that the faces of almost all the patients entering this operating theater, with its knives, syringes and smells, are full of joy. And what’s more they leave even happier, sometimes crying with delight.