
Greek lawmakers support Cuban medical brigades for Nobel Prize

At the proposal of the Greek members of the European Parliament (MEP), who are from the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the Group of Friendship with Cuba at Europe's legislative house, voiced their support for the initiative to grant the Nobel Peace Prize to the Cuban medical contingent 'Henry Reeve.'
Their decision was reported by the Rizospastis newspaper, which highlights the news with a photo and confirms that the agreement, adopted unanimously, was reflected in a letter sent to the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
The MEPs of the KKE expressed satisfaction for the reception and asked for the highest possible support to the initiative.
In a communiqué on the issue, they noted that the Covid-19 pandemic, which broke out some eight months ago, has affected over 65 million people and has claimed the lives of more than a million people worldwide.
They denounced the detrimental effect on people of monopolies in the examination, diagnosis, treatment, drugs and vaccines defended by the European Union and member States, which also failed miserably in Greece.
As an indicative example, once again an Italian region, Sicily, is asking Cuba for help to fight against Covid-19, as happened in the north of that country in the first wave.


Prensa Latina

