"When we proclaimed the Land Reform Law, Eisenhower decided what had to be done (...) Because of that hasty decision, our sugar quota was suspended in December 1960, and later redistributed among other producers in this and other regions of the world as punishment. Our country became blockaded and isolated.
Worst of all was the lack of scruples and the methods used by the empire to impose its domination over the world. They brought viruses into the country and destroyed the best sugarcane; they attacked the coffee, the potatoes and also the swine. (...) The Yankees resorted to pests to wipe out the best. Even worse: they brought in the hemorrhagic dengue virus (...) We don’t know whether they used other viruses –perhaps they didn’t because they were afraid of the proximity of Cuba".
Referencia al texto original:
REFLECTIONS "LULA" (Part Three), January 26, 2008