
The pride of Cubans

Fidel Photo: Granma Archives
Fidel Photo: Granma Archives




Periódico Granma


I am proud to be Cuban for many reasons. One of these is to have been a contemporary of Fidel, which has allowed me to understand the origin of all the slander that our adversaries attempt to use against the work to which he devoted his life, the Cuban Revolution.
The greater the brilliance of his actions for the good of all, deeper is the hate of our enemies, who hope to discredit the motivation behind his efforts.
Within the current international context, when the ethical precepts of age-old humanism are being sacrificed to amoral utility that promotes greed and indifference in the face of an uncertain future for the human race on the planet, Fidel’s legacy is essential.
The work of the Cuban nation inspired by altruistic principles is a product of his constant preoccupation with creating a better world for all. This is the willingness to give of ourselves for others, rooted in souls in which ethics prevail over self-interest that presents the accumulation of things as a way of life.
The names of great leaders like Scotland’sWilliam Wallace, India’s Mahatma Gandhi or South Africa’s Nelson Mandela, along with Fidel Castro Ruz, are inspiring examples of loyalty to their peoples.
There is a reason no one remembers the names of their enemies. As José Martí said: “The capacity to be a hero is measured by the respect one shows those who have been heroes.”