
Fidel's unwavering confidence in victory

Cinco Palmas once again celebrated its patriotism and commitment to the Revolution, precisely at this hallowed site where rebel troops led by Fidel and Raúl were reunited on December 18, 1956.
The Comandante en Jefe's unwavering confidence in victory was recalled, and the reality that he continues to inspire the nation reaffirmed, during an event presided by Comandantes Ramiro Valdés Menéndez and Guillermo García Frías, on the 60th anniversary of this historic event which took place here, some 30 kilometers from the municipal seat, Media Luna.
Ramiro Valdés, one of 82 rebels who arrived on the Granma yacht to initiate the armed struggle for the country's definitive independence, recalled that after the group was separated during the battle at Alegría de Pío, the survivors overcame enemy persecution in inhospitable, unknown territory, despite the deaths of 21 comrades and the capture of others.
Although the situation had become increasingly difficult, renouncing their mission was never an option, Valdés recalled, emphasizing that their tenacity and the help of campesinos in the area, including Guillermo García Frías, made possible the reunion of troops led by Fidel and Raúl, at the farm of Mongo Pérez, in Cinco Palmas.
Upon receiving Raúl's group, and after the two brothers embraced, Fidel immediately asked about the weapons they were carrying and shouted, "Now, yes, we have won the war!"
In addition to songs, poems, and dance, also speaking at the event was Alejandro Hidalgo, president of the Federation of University Students at Granma's School of Medical Sciences, who reiterated the commitment of younger generations to carry forward the legacy of Fidel, and vindicate the sacrifice made by martyrs and heroes of the Revolution.
Also in attendance at the event were José Ramón Balaguer Cabrera, member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat; Federico Hernández, Party first secretary in Granma and Suselys Morfa, first secretary of the Young Communists League, both members of the Central Committee.


Granma Internacional

