
Angola Thanks Cuba for Support in Education

Angola will always be grateful to Cuba for its support in education in the first years after the country reached independence in 1975, and the way that valuable cooperation continues to be maintained and increased today in terms of training coverage.

These were the expressions of Angolan Education Minister Mpima Simao after meeting with Vice President of the Cuban Council of Ministers, Ricardo Cabrisas, carrying out here a working visit here until Friday.

For his part, Cabrisas said the recognition was mutual "regarding the initiative by the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and his vision with respect to two main elements in our country, and in collaboration abroad, all related to education and health."

He noted that this historic vision continues in Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, and Cuba's Raul Castro.

In his extended speech, Simao praised the Cuban contribution in education over almost four decades, and mentioned above all the support offered during a diagnosis of the country's educational system in 1980, and identification of problems needing correction.

As a society, Angola still has work to do, and mentioned necessary changes in the attitude and behavior of agents within the educational system, such as parents, professors, schools' principals and students.

He requested that cooperation with Cuba be extended to special education to develop a first training of 270 professors in that kind of teaching.

As part of his working program, the Cuban vice president met with the staff of the Havana embassy in Luanda, members of Antex managerial group, and advisers and collaborators from the island.


Prensa Latina

