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Message by Fidel to The Economists

Comrade Economists of the CIEM:

Concerning Resolution 1929.

On June 27, 2010, in a message sent concerning Resolution 1929 of the UN Security Council on June 9, 2010, I wrote the following to the addressee:

“There’s only one thing we can be certain about. This time, Cuba will be far from being attacked with weapons of this kind, and the rest of Latin America, from the north of Mexico to Cape Horn.”

“When the fire of nuclear war goes out, which will necessarily be short, we can talk about the post-war crisis, which will occur immediately.”

“Everything would seem to be a fantasy, in the same way Cuba, by some miracle, escaped the nuclear attack in October, 1962.”

“…We won’t be able to talk about capitalism or socialism. There will be just a period of administration of the goods and services available in this part of the continent.

Inevitably, each country will continue to be ruled by those who now head the government, some very close to socialism, and others full of euphoria for the opening of a world market that today is open to fuel, uranium, copper, lithium, aluminium, iron and other metals, which today are sent to developed and rich nations, markets which will suddenly disappear.”

“In such circumstances, the most essential products required for life: food, water, fuels and the resources of the hemisphere south of the United States, abound to maintain some civilization, the uncontrolled advances of which have led mankind to such a disaster.”

I know that some comrades are seriously worried about the fact that I could risk my credibility when stating something as important as a conflict that would inevitably become nuclear.

That is what I’ve been doing since, on June 1st, 2010, I reported about the serious danger the sinking of the Cheonan would entail for humanity, a flagship of South Korea’s naval forces.

For me, the most important thing is that our people are well informed of the serious danger we’re threatened with, and not personal credibility.

I have asked comrade Osvaldo to convene a meeting with a group of outstanding economists in this center for today, Tuesday, July 13, to meet with them and ask them to please carry out a work of “Science Fiction” –let’s call it that - with the objective that, over the next 10 days, they meditate on these delicate issues and analyze them for four hours a day, to answer one question: What should the countries of “Our America” do in case a situation like the one I described in my words in quotes takes place?

It would be, of course, a matter of promoting a new civilization, using the colossal scientific knowledge our species has today, so the unrepeatable is not repeated, which in my opinion will happen.

Likewise, I asked Osvaldo to give them a copy of these words.

Based on the information in the possession of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I told several ambassadors located in key countries and four Latin American presidents, that, in my opinion, the conflict would break out beginning Thursday, Friday, or Saturday at the latest.

My explicable bitterness is due to the fact that I was working with official information that, since it didn’t include the last two long paragraphs, made me make a mistake in my Reflection of July 4 and it would have represented a harsh blow to my credibility in this decisive historic moment, something I realized yesterday, Sunday, July11, at about 11:00 a.m. I have also asked Osvaldo to distribute a copy of this message among the economists and add a copy of the written text taken from the documentary “Home”, by French director Yann Arthus- Bertrand, made by a select international group of the most eminent and well informed personalities, about the other terrible threat to our species: the
destruction of the environment before our very eyes.

There are still alternatives that leave room for hope, if we’re capable of opting for them.

Fidel Castro Ruz
July 13, 2010
