
Science Center Honors Fidel Castro in Nicaragua

This Thursday, 94 years after the birth of Fidel Castro, historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, a scientific center in the fields of western Nicaragua honors his legacy in this country to which he was linked by so many historical ties.
The Comandante Fidel Castro Technical Development Center in the municipality of Posoltega, department of Chinandega, is dedicated to the research and development of several tropical crops, with emphasis on moringa (Moringa oleifera), known as marango in this Central American country.
In addition to scientific research, the centre also produces seeds, explained engineer Rolando Garay, coordinator of the research area, to Prensa Latina recently.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Cuban Revolution dedicated the last years of his life to research on the plant species known as the prodigious tree.
It was precisely Commander Fidel who inspired us to work with the marango, so much so that it is the most visible face of the Center, which has a plantation of that species (originally from northern India), said Garay.
The research with the plant includes the production of wine and liquor from the use of the leaves, which gives small Nicaraguan farmers another alternative in their family businesses.


Prensa Latina

