
Serbian organization condemns attack on Cuban Embassy in Washington

The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Organizations in Defense of Humankind-Serbia Chapter (MOC-Srbija) on Tuesday condemned the attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington, which it described as a terrorist act resulting from an ongoing aggressive policy by the United States.
According to a statement provided to Prensa Latina by MOC-Srbija President Ratko Krsmanovic, US authorities have remained silent about that action, another attack in the long history of aggressions against Cuba and its people.
'The US pretexts so far to adopt unjust sanctions and several discriminatory measures against Cuba are full of hostility, aggression, a language of hatred and incitation to violence, which are an inspiration and an initiative to commit this kind of crime,' the statement says.
It is a source of concern that there were neither protests nor condemnation of the armed attack on the Cuban Embassy, because any silence is a stimulus to potential and real terrorists to carry out new attacks, but it is also complicity with Alexander Alazo's terrorist crime.
The organization charged that some US media described the action as a 'crime of hatred', but they missed the opportunity to denounce its instigators.
They also ignored that the perpetrator of the attack was a victim of the US official active and intensive propaganda against the Republic of Cuba for decades.


Prensa Latina

