
Cuban scientists do not rest to fight Covid-19

Cuban scientists will not rest, there is a commitment to science and the people to eradicate the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, a Cuban expert said.
Speaking on the TV-radio program Mesa Redonda on Tuesday, Tania Crombet, director of clinical research at the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM), assured that regardless of hours of sleep, the priority is to defeat the coronavirus, which causes the disease.
The specialist explained in detail the use of three drugs produced by the CIM to fight the coronavirus: Itolizumab, recombinant human erythropoietin and LeukoCIM.
Itolizumab is a monoclonal antibody used to treat patients in serious and critical condition. This drug has shown encouraging preliminary results in the 10 hospitals of nine Cuban provinces in which it has been included in the treatment protocol.
Erythropoietin has been included to improve oxygen delivery in patients and protect the organs that may be damaged, while the granulocytic colony stimulating factor, LeukoCIM, is used as a regenerative therapy for people with potential lung diseases that may remain in some recovered patients, Crombet said.
Cuban scientists do not rest and along with these researches, we keep studies in other branches such as oncological vaccines, which despite measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus pandemic, they have not stopped being applied to patients in primary and secondary healthcare, she stressed.


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