
New Book on Fidel Castro Published in Cuba

As tribute to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, the book ''Ahí Viene Fidel'' (Here Comes Fidel) was presented to remember the events that occurred after his physical disappearance on November 25, 2016.
The 174-page book tells how the funeral procession of one of the most prominent men of the 20th century traveled the country to reach the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, in Santiago de Cuba.
The 17 chronicles containing memories and testimonies, experiences and facts were written by the journalists Yunet López Ricardo and Wilmer Rodríguez Fernández, and were published by Verde Olivo Publishing House.
They are the stories of many Cubans who paid posthumous tribute to Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz during nine days of National Mourning.
The young reporters narrate their memories and those of thousands of Cubans and foreigners about the passage of the caravan that carried the remains of the Cuban leader from Havana to Santiago de Cuba through cities, towns and villages.
'Ahí Viene Fidel' contains 123 color photographs of the sad event, showing the affection of a nation for its leader.
This way, we can give continuity to Fidel's life and work, so that the next generations and the youngest people can know him.
The testimonies offered by these journalists are a valuable socio-cultural contribution to the historic memory of our people; it was an unprecedented event in the nation that was recorded for eternity in the depths of Cuban history, they said.
It is a book written by four hands, two thoughts and a single heart; documented from the conviction of youths who will follow Fidel's example, explained Rodríguez Fernández, a journalist with the Information System of Cuban Television.


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