Solidarity Canadian associations to send medical supplies to Cuba
The Juan Gualberto Gómez association of Cubans living in Toronto and Canadian associations filled a container with medical supplies for Cuba in an initiative framed in the Chanel "Europa por Cuba" solidarity campaign, under the motto:"World Tsunami against the blockade".
The channel published on Monday a video message on social networks, after finishing the solidarity work, in which the organizations “Not Just Tourist” and the “Cuba-Canada Friendship Association” participated.
“We forward this container to the “tsunami” against the blockade that the United States exercises on the Cuban family,” said Julio Fonseca, the president of the association of Cuban residents in Toronto “Juan Gualberto Gómez”, accompanied by other participants in the event.
Fonseca highlighted that Europe for Cuba initiative, launched last week, was done with the aim of carrying out actions that go from one country to another and from one continent to the other, against the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.
In dialogue with Prensa Latina in regards to the campaign, the coordinators of Europe for Cuba, José Antonio Toledo, Haydeline Díaz and Patricia Pérez, specified that the ‘tsunami’ will reach various parts of the planet during April and May, and the associations, personalities and individuals who join will carry out, from street actions to statements and complaints on social networks for the unfair and criminal blockade applied to Cuba.
They announced that each organization is responsible for preparing its activity, depending on its characteristics and possibilities, always with the intention of achieving a global reaction against the US blockade, which passes through America, Africa, Europe and Asia.