Family Code responds to an evolving Cuban society

The new Family Code, which will be submitted to a popular referendum on September 25, responds to an evolving Cuban society.
In statements to Prensa Latina, Arab Union of Cuba’s Administrative Vice-President Yaime Proveyer said that taboos, male chauvinist behaviors, misinterpretations, and subversive campaigns negatively influence the “Yes” vote.
Proveyer said that the importance of the Code is mainly due to the respect for people’s rights, the need to protect the elderly, inclusion and acceptance, and especially to meet the needs of the new family models existing in the country.
She added that this norm is comprehensive, ambitious, modern, and innovative; it represents the rights of many silenced people as the LGBTIQ+ community, children, and the elderly.
Regarding the benefits of the Code for Cuban women, Proveyer stated that it would give them more legal standing.


Prensa Latina

