Cubans in France reject media campaigns against the island

The Coordinator of Cuban Residents in France rejected on Wednesday media campaigns that the US and its allies launch against international solidarity and the island's health achievements.
In a press release, the Coordinator repudiated the effort to slander the work of thousands of Cuban healthcare professionals who in dozens of countries guarantee medical care to millions of disadvantaged human beings, a support recognized worldwide in the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The organization, which gathers several Cuban associations, recalled the crusades against health cooperation in Brazil, Bolivia and Ecuador, where governments acted 'in accordance with the meddling rhetoric of the US neighbor; whose policy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic consists of further restricting the sources of economic income for Cuba.'
In this regard, the leader denounced the lie of accusing the Cuba's doctors of being slaves and spies, a campaign that was framed within the goal of attacking Cuba and causing its population greater deficiencies, to attribute them to the political and economic model chosen by its people.
Cubans residing in France also condemned the arbitrary closure last week of YouTube accounts of news broadcasts from the Caribbean country.
This was done by the government that intends to impose lessons on democracy and freedom of expression on the world, they warned in reference to the United States and its dominant transnationals on the Internet.


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