In Ecuador leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro is remembered

Ecuadorian and Cuban residents will remember today Fidel Castro, historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, on the 94th anniversary of his birth.
To honor him, a program organized by solidarity groups and graduates in Cuba is planned, together with the diplomatic mission of the Caribbean country in this Andean nation.
The Fidel Castro Chair, which promotes the ideas of the Cuban leader, will hold a panel to highlight the legacy of the anti-imperialist fighter and promoter of internationalism and solidarity that characterize the largest of the Antilles.
For its part, the Association of Ecuadorian Students and Graduates in Cuba Eloy Alfaro will pay tribute to the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolution.
The Ecuadorian Communist Party will also develop a commemorative agenda and the day will conclude with a cantata by Latin American artists.


Prensa Latina

