Riding with Fidel

Cuba rides today with Fidel and the song of Raul Torres is catching on deeply in thousands of persons who already look for it over the radio or television and memorize its beautiful lyrics of high poetic value.
Accompanied by images of the Commander in Chief in his innermost link with Cubans, the video-clip accompanies the mourning for his physical departure and it begins to penetrate slowly, in the sound track of old and new generations, with the force that art has on memory.
With the participation of the National Symphony Orchestra, led by maestro Enrique Perez Mesa, its author leads the interpretation together with Eduardo Sosa, Luna Manzanares and Annie Garces, with voices that evoke angels.
This necessary song that becomes hymn, as it occurred with Son los Sueños Todavia (Dreams that Linger), by Gerardo Alfonso, dedicated to the immortal guerrilla Che Guevara, or more recently with El Regreso del Amigo (The Return of a Friend) also composed by Torres, that still draws tears remembering the departure of Hugo Chavez.
Dailies Granma and Juventud Rebelde carry the lyrics of the song: 'man, the grateful accompany you, we will relive your feats, not even Death believes she took hold of you' or 'today I want to yell my father, don't let go of my hand, I still haven't learned to walk well without you'.
Since last Friday, when Fidel's demise was announced, Cuba is moved and when you think emotions have ceased, they return like a torrent, now with this song that reminds us that 'a star put them here, with love for the world deep inside'.