'The truth always comes out,' says Cuban nurse in Jamaica (+ Photo)

For Cuban nurse Damaris Acevedo, the truth always comes out and in the face of the US threats, she ratifies on Saturday the commitment of Cuban healthcare professionals to provide healthcare in Jamaica and in other needed regions of the world.
Having over two decades of experience in the sector, the intensive care expert arrived in Jamaica on January 20, to reinforce the Cuban medical brigade who are currently helping in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.
Acevedo highly contributes to the Bustamante Hospital for Children in the Kingston capital and from the neonatology ward accompanies joint efforts to contain SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
'The truth always comes out,' says Cuban nurse in JamaicaIn a conversation with Prensa Latina via the Internet, the Cuban specialist took pride in providing her knowledge and contributing to the quality of life of the Jamaican residents amid the local response to Covid-19.
Born in Havana, Acevedo stressed the importance of the work of Cuban healthcare professionals in Jamaican, and thanked the affection and love received during this mission period by colleagues and citizens.
The intensive care nurse highlighted the prestige and high professional level of the Cuban medical brigade members in Jamaica, a sample of the value of solidarity and humanism of the cooperation of Cuba.
In her opinion, those principles are unique and distinguish Cuban medical internationalists, who anywhere on the planet distribute love and save lives, 'regardless of risks or the attack of the enemies of the Revolution.'