A seismic force named Fidel

Fidel’s his optimism and confidence in overcoming difficult situations have left their permanent mark on the Cuban people and served as inspiration for millions of men and women on all continents
Since I was a boy, as long as I can remember, I always thought of him as a giant. As an adult, I admired his profound, revolutionary conviction, his uncompromising anti-imperialism, his resolute struggle against any vestige of discrimination or injustice, no matter how small, and also for his loyalty to Martí’s thought, and his personal example of never being affected by vanity or ambition regarding any position or honor, because as Martí said, “All the world’s glory could fit in a kernel of corn.”
There is no way to summarize Fidel’s life in a few lines, but his permanent, insoluble ties to the people, his optimism and confidence in overcoming difficult situations, his brilliant oratory, his constant teaching, that is, his unlimited devotion to the Revolution has left its permanent mark on the Cuban people and served as inspiration for millions of men and women on all continents. Future generations of Cubans will have in him, and in Martí, an example and a motivation to continue the Revolution’s work.
Today, honoring our historic leader on the second anniversary of his physical disappearance, Cuban solemnly reaffirm once again our socialism and the ideas of “this telluric force that is Fidel Castro Ruz.”
*Quote from Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in the magazine Verde Olivo, 09/04/1961.