
Cuba hosts congress on business management and administration

The 12th International Congress on Business Management and Public Administration, GESEMAP 2022, began in Cuba on Tuesday with the participation of representatives from a dozen countries and more than 300 papers.
The Conference Center in Havana is the central venue of the event, which is being held in hybrid format until July 8, and where issues such as the government management system based on science and innovation, and public policies and business transformation in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals are discussed.
The agenda also includes space for the new economic actors and their participation in the economy, local development strategies, and state-owned companies and their role in the current context.
Sponsored by the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education and its Directorate for the Preparation and Improvement of Professionals, the Congress’ slogan is “Science and innovation in public and business administration for sustainable development.”
Executives, professors, university students, researchers, entrepreneurs and consultants are exchanging experiences on development policies and programs, business and public management, as well as about the impact of the compliance with the 2030 Development Agenda.


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