
Díaz-Canel: In Cuba, we will take care of the future of Palestine

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel said Tuesday that the island will take care of the future of Palestine by supporting young people from that country who are studying various university careers on the island.
Visiting the stand of the pan-Arab satellite network Al Mayadeen, at the exhibition fair of the third Patria International Colloquium, the head of state stressed that what the Palestinian people are living is an extermination and a brutal genocide, hence the urgency to stop it.
"We must achieve that the bombs stop and the people are heard. And Cuba, as we have stated on other occasions, will vigorously denounce what is happening in the Gaza Strip," the president added after observing, through virtual reality, the destruction in that area.
He affirmed that what is seen in these images is very hard and this reaffirms Cuba's conviction of solidarity with the Levantine country.
Díaz-Canel, accompanied by the Prime Minister of the Republic, Manuel Marrero Cruz, said that the participants of this genocide will be condemned by history and will also have the burden of conscience, because these facts are intolerable and violate human dignity.
On the hostility of the U.S. government against Cuba and its support to Zionism, he assured that as long as imperialism and capitalism exist, this policy will not change, which is totally coherent with Washington's hegemonic expressions.
In view of this reality, he stressed that the peoples must continue defending their humanist, ethical and solidary essence, fighting for a new international economic order, based on peace and cooperation.
Regarding the closeness between the Palestinian and Cuban peoples, he said that both defend the principles of humanity because, under much imperialist pressure, they struggle every day to get up and move forward.
"We are immense in courage and example because we have not allowed ourselves to be subordinated, humiliated or crushed and the fact that imperialism has not been able to bend us is already a victory," he emphasized.
Likewise, he made reference to the most recent destabilizing attempts of the United States against the island, which were magnified in social networks, but could not achieve their purpose of provoking a social explosion.
He assured that this incident, promoted by the counterrevolution, allowed the country to better articulate itself to give a convincing response to this type of situations.
The Cuban president denounced that acting with such criminality and disrespect for the lives of people and the self-determination of peoples only has a place in the philosophy and thinking of a corrupt society and an empire such as the United States.


Radio Habana Cuba

