
Fidel awarded international union of students medal




Latin American Network Information Center
Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, PCC Central Committee First Secretary and President of the Council of State, has received the 17 November Medal, the highest award given by the International Union of Students (UIS).  The medal was presented to Fidel by (Dusan Urka), president of the IUS, during a ceremony held at the 26 July international pioneers camp shortly after the main ceremony commemorating Children's Day ended.  (Urka) said that the medal was awarded to our commander in chief in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the revolutionary struggle of the Cuban people.  

The UIS in awarding this medal also took into account the outstanding role played by Fidel as leader of the economic changes and the construction of a socialist society only 90 miles from the principal enemy of peoples, (Dusan Urka) stressed.  

The 17 November Medal was presented to our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro for his contribution to revolutionary theory and practice and for the establishment and consolidation of the first workers-peasants state in America, (Dusan Urka) said.  The UIS president added that the award was also given in recognition of Fidel's personal contribution in making the Cuban revolution an encouraging example for the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America.  (Urka) added that the commander in chief also deserves the medal because of his devotion to the cause of international anti-imperialist solidarity.  The 17 November Medal is also being awarded to Fidel because of his outstanding qualities as a consistent and untiring struggler against imperialism and for the solidarity and unity of the revolutionary, progressive and democratic forces of the world, the UIS president stressed.  

After receiving the 17 November Medal from the UIS, Fidel recalled that since the time he was a university student he has been interested in [words indistinct] activities.  He said:  At that time I could not have imagined that precisely a day similar to that one close to the commemoration of 26 July on the occasion of inaugurating a pioneers camp, I would have the immense honor of receiving such an award.  He added:  Of course, it is for me a true privilege which I cannot attribute in any way to personal merits. I attribute it to the leadership and of solidarity of the UIS.  Finally, the commander in chief, on behalf of the Cuban party, government youths, students and workers and in his own name, expressed the gratitude felt on receiving the 17 November Medal.