Brazil, 2003
December 31 • Arrival at the Brasilia air base. Signing of the visitor’s book.
• Exchange with Ruiz Cazaes, chief of ceremonial proceedings of the Brazilian Chancellery at Brasilia’s air base.
• Meeting with Frei Betto, Brazilian writer and religious personality, and other members of his family at the Naum Hotel.
January 1st
• Inauguration of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva at the Ministries Esplanade.
• Joint meeting of the two chambers proclaiming the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil at the Congress headquarters.
• Ceremony of transfer of the presidential sash from Fernando Henrique Cardoso to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, at the Square of the Three Powers, in the Planalto Palace.
• Fidel attended the ceremony where delegations saluted the outgoing president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
• Mezzanine of the Itamaraty Palace, at the Chancellery headquarters.
• Brief interview granted to the press at the Naum Hotel.
• Conversation with Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela.
January 2
• Meeting with Humberto Costa, Minister of Health; Jose Graciano, Minister for Food Security (director of the ‘Zero Hunger’ program, and Cristovam Buarque, Minister of Education.
• Fidel attended the ceremony of transfer of power of the Ministry of Education at the headquarters of the ministry.
• Interview granted to the daily newspaper ‘O Estado de Sao Paulo’.
• Conversation with Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, at the presidencial residence of ‘Granja do Torto’.
• Dinner hosted in his honor by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, at the presidential residence of Granja do Torto.